Thursday 26 September 2019

summer project

Summer Project

Instillation art influences -

Skyscarper - The Bruges Whale
art installations whale

This piece of art was created by StudioKCA, which is an award-winning architecture and design firm. The whale is made completely out of plastic waste, which sends a powerful message regarding all the plastic waste in the ocean. 
I am passionate about raising awareness on environmental issues such as pollution in the ocean and plastic waste. 
This has influenced me to create a similar insulation, making sea animals out of plastic/waste commonly seen in the ocean. 

Upon further research I have discovered a vast amount of art works depicting the same theme of sea animals made out of plastic/waste from the ocean which has made me re-evaluate my theme as I would like to create something more original.
Image result for sea animals made out of waste

Rough ideas  

  • Deforestation 

  • empty lands with tree like objects made of litter -outline of bottles 

  • tree sculptures on screen - flick on light switch - trees made of plastic emerge to demonstrate the future we are heading to. 

  • light stitch says - press to see the future - the future is right here 
  • trees with plastic for leafs 
  • video projection 360 view in a cube shaped room 


 Image result for deforestation artImage result for installations in art gallery

This piece of artwork shown above, Minyma Punu Kungkarangkalpa, also known as the Seven Sisters Tree Women was made by seven women of the Tjanpi Desert Weavers; which are a social enterprise of the NPY Womens council, working with women in the remote central and Western deserts who earn an income from contemporary fibre art. 
This piece was made by coiled and bound grass, raffia (a soft, durable fibre) fencing wire, feathers and wool, turning it into figures that are part-tree, part-women. 
I am incredibly fascinated by the concept and the method used to create the tree-women, this has influenced me to make tree-like objects out of plastic/waste to portray the global problem with waste pollution. Though this is a very rough idea in my mind, and I am also considering having the stump of a tree, with the rest made out of plastic (like the leaves of a tree). I feel that this could also portray deforestation. 
After being inspired to create this idea I checked to see if something similar had already been done. 

With his latest piece of street art entitled “The Rise of the Fall,” Slovenian artist Miha Artnak hopes to raise awareness on the harmful effects of consumer culture on the natural world. He has decorated the branches of a living tree with hundreds of brightly-colored plastic bags, which easily catch the eye of passers-by.

I began to create my ideas on photoshop to help me visualise them. 

While creating these I tried to incorporate plastic, like my original idea but found it difficult to create my vision in Photoshop. I also had the idea of creating a tree going into a shredder. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your research and development for this project. The Tree Women are really powerful. I wonder if you could do something around this for Maps and Networks? I'm thinking of a film I want to show you - John Smith - Blight. Remind me. The circles of a tree chopped down creating concentric circles of growth... a map of types. Think about something positive around cleaning the carbon and regeneration perhaps?? Rosie


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